New Twin Ports Sober Ride Home App Is Launched
A new sober ride Free App for residents of Duluth, Proctor and Cloquet/Carlton is one way to encourage residents to not drink and drive. According to CBS3 this free new smartphone app is called Twin Ports JOYRIDE. Almost 50 bars in St. Louis and Carlton Counties will be participating in the sober ride home program, the price of a JOYRIDE is $7, and Uber JOYRIDE is $10.
In lieu of the Labor Day holiday Minnesota State Patrol will be upping their DWI enforcement from August 16 through September 2. Lt. Jason Hanson from the Minnesota State Patrol said, “If you’re impaired we are going to get you. We’re going to stop you, put you in jail, and hold you accountable.” Hanson went on to say “We hope to do that as we drive our deaths toward zero. But not forget the serious injuries and everything else that has an impact,”
This app could save lives and provides people with the ability to get home safe at a reasonable price and convenience. In this day and age their is absolutely no excuse to drink and drive under any circumstances, plan ahead before you head out for the evening and let's make St. Louis County a safer place for everyone. For more information on this app click here.
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