October Storm Damages Estimated Over $3 Million
Reports are indicating that the damage caused by an October 27th storm in the Duluth area is estimated to be over $3 million.
The Duluth News Tribune is reporting that the St. Louis County Board "voted unanimously Tuesday to ask the state and federal governments to declare the Duluth waterfront a disaster area, with damage estimates from the Oct. 27 Lake Superior gale now topping $3.5 million."
The estimated damage to the city of Duluth is believed to be in the range of $2.5 million, most of which comes from Park Point, the Lakewalk and Brighton Beach. Scenic Highway 61 damage is estimated to be more than $450,000 and McQuade Small Craft Harbor around $430,000.
Jim Foldesi, the public works director for the county, said that all damage will be included under one disaster aid application.
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