Phase III Superior Street Reconstruction Project Set To Begin
While many aspects of our lives have been disrupted by the COVID-19 pandemic, one thing set to continue on as scheduled is the Superior Street Reconstruction project.
According to the City Of Duluth, Phase III of the Superior Street Reconstruction project will begin on April 6. Signs will be posted throughout the project area on Monday, March 30 and barricades will be in place on the morning of April 6.
“Construction workers are performing an essential service as outlined by both Governor Walz and the Federal Government,” said Mayor Emily Larson. “Being able to stay on course with this project for this construction season provides critical jobs at family sustaining wages and gives confidence to our downtown and business community that our work continues. Completing Superior Street on time is important for meeting our budget, and it signals our belief that bigger, brighter and better days are ahead for Duluth. This project, in addition to the roadwork the City of Duluth will be doing this year, provides optimism about our shared future. We are a city that believes in ourself.”
The project will have two phases. The first phase will include the Lake Avenue and Superior Street intersection to the east side of 3rd Avenue West. Avenues will be closed from north of Michigan Street through the alley between Superior Street and 1st
Avenue West.
COVID-19 will be top of mind with work crews implementing best practices for health and safety. With some businesses already closed and others working with limited staff due to the pandemic, the construction project should ultimately impact fewer people than originally thought.

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