Seven Science-Approved Tips On How to Walk On Ice
For those lucky people who live in warm climates, this topic is a non issue. For those of us in the North, it is a constant struggle all winter long. With the sub-zero temperatures here to stay for a while, throwing down salt on that icy sidewalk or driveway really does not help much at all, so you need to make sure that you have steady footing as you walk.
I found this article from that actually found 7 scientific theories on the best way to walk on ice. Hopefully these will help and keep you out of the E.R. this winter.
- MOVE SLOW AND STEADY- According to Philip E. Martin, Ph.D., professor and chair of the Department of Kinesiology at Iowa State University, "What's key is trying to keep force applied to the ground more vertically so there's less force forward and backward—because that's the part that requires friction."
- TAKE SHORTER STEPS- This helps the force applied to the ground in a forward and backwards motion to be reduced, helping you stay upright.
- AVOID MELTING ICE- Ice is much more slippery when it is in the process of melting.
- GO AROUND SLOPES AND STAIRS IF POSSIBLE- This seems pretty obvious, but in Duluth slopes can be hard to avoid.
- KEEP AN EYE OUT FOR CHANGING SURFACES- Pay attention and change your pace and style of walking depending on the surface.
- WEAR THE RIGHT SHOES- I can speak from personal experience that Crocs and Doc Martin Boots are not good to wear on slippery surfaces.
- WHEN ALL ELSE FAILS, WADDLE- Lucky for me my normal walk is a waddle like a penguin anyway and this is the perfect style on ice. Even though penguins do fall sometimes that flat footed shuffle is your best option.
So now that you have some sure fire steps to help keep your footing I had to share this falling montage because really we have all been there.