Halloween is all about having fun and getting candy. However, there are some houses that you should probably avoid while trick-or-treating this year in Duluth.

According to the website city-data, there are 19 registered sex offenders living in Duluth as of October 27th, 2022. The ratio of all residents to sex offenders in Duluth is 4,526 to 1.


The website also states:

The information provided on this site is provided as a public service only and should not be used to threaten, intimidate, or harass. Misuse of this information may result in criminal prosecution.


The interactive map at City-Data.com shows where all the registered sex offenders in Duluth are located. However, twelve addresses couldn’t be displayed on the map. While not all of them are registered for something involving kids, it’s still probably safest to go ahead and keep the kids away from these houses this Halloween season.

Of course, make sure you check your children's candy no matter what houses or neighborhoods you go to. Also, be aware that some houses might not pass out candy or some might require masks when you go door to door. I know my friends set up a trick-or-treat chute for their house this year and I'm so excited to see it in action. My parents also give out king-size candy bars and cans of pop every year. Have a fun and safe Halloween and hopefully the Duluth weather cooperates this year!

Alternatively, you could check out my 5 hotspot neighborhoods that I used as a kid to get as much candy as I could! I even highlighted the streets I used in the gallery below.


If you're looking for last-minute Halloween ideas, check out these Minnesotan costumes.

10 Very Minnesotan Halloween Costumes

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