Soo Locks Are Now Open Marking the Beginning of 2018 Shipping Season
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, in Detroit released a statement that the Soo Locks are open as of yesterday, although they were not sure which ship would be coming through first.
The Soo Locks were officially closed on January 15th of this year and underwent critical repairs and maintenance for 10 weeks. This is a key piece of the puzzle for ships to be able to navigate safely and being here in the Twin Ports we see many ships come through that have come from the other great lakes and even in the ocean.
I know I myself along with thousands of visitors enjoy watching those giant majestic ships pull into the harbor every year it is a sure sign that Spring and eventually Summer is on it's way. Click on the link below to take a behind the scenes look at my tour of the Coast Guard Cutter which helps the ships navigate into the ports after they break ice and also helps keep them safe out on the water.