Apparently adults in St. Cloud need to step up there game literally as that city was named the Biggest Couch Potato Capitol in the entire state of Minnesota. I myself am a bit of a couch potato as well, so believe me when I say I am not pointing fingers, just reporting the facts.

According to a special report from

  • Adults who do not exercise (Minnesota 19.8%) St. Cloud 21%
  • Populations with no access to exercise locations (Minnesota 19.8%) St. Cloud 23.5%
  • Obesity Rate (Minnesota 27.3%) St. Cloud 28.1%
  • Adults in Fair or Poor Health (Minnesota 12.0%) 12.6%

Living in the Twin Ports we have so many opportunities just outdoors alone to get exercise and this community overall is very active. We are fortunate to be surrounded by the natural beauty of Lake Superior, the different terrain, plus the Lakewalk to help you stay in shape if you so choose. In case you are wondering what town in Wisconsin is the Couch Potato Capitol? It is Wausau.

This survey also notes that in the United States’ obesity rate have steadily increased since 1980. Among adults, the obesity rate increased from below 20% to 39.6%.  Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends that adults gets at least 150 minutes of aerobic activity per week, as well as two muscle strengthening activities per week.

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