Just about everything so far in 2020 has been cancelled. It's actually surprising now when something does take place. The Superior Spooktacular has announced that they will have some events for their October celebration.

They've said that Grandma's Marathon has figured out a way to safely hold the North End Nightmare 5k. This will be the second year of the race and registration begins on September 1st. If you sign up ahead of time, the fee is $30 for adults and $15 for kids. On their website, they have not yet made public their race plans, but do acknowledge that there may be changes made this year such as a shortened course. Participants are encouraged to dress up in costumes for the running of the race. They also are offering a shorter spider dash race that is free to kids 14 & under.

There also is a city wide Halloween home & business decorating contest 'Haunt Your Home". You can register and sign up for the contest, just be sure you sign up before October 23rd. Then, home and business addresses will be shared so people can drive by and vote on the contest. You can register by e-mailing carolyn@sterlingsilverstudio.com.

Spooktacular is also working on funding for a drive in movie like they have done in the past years. This could be safely done with social distancing measures as it has been already a method used across the country. They have also mentioned that Goin' Postal is working on something fun for Halloween.

The Superior Spooktacular will take place this year on October 23-25 in Superior's North End.

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