If you've ever wanted to try out an electric bicycle, a new e-bike rental shop called Canal E-Rides will be opening in Canal Park in Duluth later this month.
We all remember the freedom you had as a kid hopping on your bike and heading off with your friends. But for some kids, this is an added expense their parents just can't afford.
It's no secret to people that live in Minnesota and Wisconsin that both states offer plenty of bicycle opportunities for road/trail style and mountain bike riders. That said, how do they rank compared to the rest of the country?
Having lived in Minneapolis for many years and living a block away from Lake Calhoun I can attest to how awesome it is to hop on the bike and ride around the lakes. And now Minneapolis can toot it's own horn with ranking 4'th in the U.S. and Canada for Cities that are awesome to bike, according to Outside Magazine.