When you find a food item that you really like it is always really daunting when that company is sold, for fear that the product will change too. For one popular Midwest snack company hopefully that will not be the case.
We all know that being a teenager is hard enough with all the changes your body is going through,school work and trying to just fit in. Well, now a school district in North Dakota has laid down a strict dress code policy that has many students and parents upset...
North Dakota has the most bars per capita in the United States. There's one bar for every 1,620 North Dakotans. It beats out Montana and also puts North Dakota well above Minnesota, which ranks 17th. Wisconsin comes in third with 3,043 bars for the 5.7 million that live in the state. That translates to one bar for every 1,877 Wisconsinite. Impressive, but the Duluth/Superior Metro area has also c