This Is The Weirdest Missed Connection Ad In Duluth Right Now
Well, this is different.
Sometimes it is fun to go check out the 'missed connection' section of Craiglist. You never know exactly what you are going to find.
I recently did a little browsing on the page and got a good laugh but one ad stuck out to me more than any others. Apparently, a Duluthian wants someone's help pulling a prank. Check out part of the post below:
I am needing to pull a prank on someone and it's a long story (which I am willing to share with the right person)
I need either a female age 25-32 that can pick up from where I drop off a convo (can give a background so you know what to do and say)
Or a Male that is older (55-65) that has a quick brain to keep my convo going.
Ha! I love pranks but I am not sure how I feel about this one. According to the rest of the ad, the poster wants this person to meet up with a different person in real life to carry out the rest of the prank.
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