As you plan out your Halloween costume, it sounds like you may want to make sure it fits over a coat. The Climate Prediction Center's outlook for Halloween looks to favor colder than average temperatures the week of Halloween, and carry into the first part of November.

The 6-10 day (left) and 8-14 day (right) outlook maps show a high probability of colder than normal temperatures to starting at the beginning of Halloween week, and carrying into the weekend after Halloween. The darker blue areas are the greatest probability of colder than average temperatures on each map.


The good news, as the Twin Cities National Weather Service Office points out on Twitter, is that it looks to be dry at least. While you might need a coat, you won't need to worry too much about rain - or snow - to accompany your Halloween festivities.

So, just how cold will it be?

Right now, the forecast is calling for a nice weekend this weekend, with daytime highs in the 50s on Friday and Saturday, and temps only getting into the 40s on Sunday. Monday starts a week of temperatures only warming into the 30s, with Tuesday and Wednesday looking to be the warmest days of Halloween Week, getting close to 38 degrees.

With over a week between now and Halloween, this is likely to change some, but Halloween itself looks to be the coldest day of the week. With a daytime high around 32 degrees and overnight temperatures near 25 degrees, you'll definitely want to plan to have a warm component to your costume. The good news is that there is only a slight chance of snow on Wednesday morning in what otherwise looks like a pretty dry week.

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