Everyone's favorite chubby, sarcastic school girl from 'Facts of Life', Natalie Green, played by Mindy Cohn is 45 today!

Natasha "Natalie" Green (born Natasha Letisha Sage Green) was played by Mindy Cohn. Natalie's best friend on the show was Tootie, as they were close in age. Natalie's age throughout the series was approximately 13 to 22.

Natalie's most defining physical attribute was that she was large-figured. However, Natalie had a healthy self-image and was once quoted as saying, "Who wants to be a skinny pencil? I'd rather be a happy Magic Marker!"

Natalie is Jewish just like Mindy Cohn is in real life and her faith was featured in several episodes. In one she celebrated Hanukkah while the others celebrated Christmas. Her heritage was highlighted when Dr. Green, her father, died unexpectedly; Natalie's bottled-up grief was a continuing storyline for several episodes.

Even though she did not fit the mold of a traditional beauty, Natalie was involved in many storylines regarding sex. In an early episode, she dated a boy who spread a rumor that Natalie was easy. In another episode, whilst coming home from a costume party she was nearly the victim of a sexual assault. Toward the end of the series in that controversial episode, "The First Time", she became the first of the girls to have sex when she slept with her boyfriend Snake on their one-year anniversary.

[via Wikipedia]

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