According to the Bentleyville's Facebook Page, damage appears to include graffiti to a semi-truck carrying decorations. After seeing this recent round of vandalism the Bentleyville staff have asked for volunteers to do security to thwart any further problems.

Last year as many of you may recall some of the incidents that happened including damage to Bentleyville’s gift shop, thieves stole money out of a donation collection container and also stole equipment.

What is so disheartening with these crimes is the fact that this amazing display still remains Free to the public and any kind of vandalism or stolen property just adds to the strain of relying on donations to keep it going.

If you are interested in helping out Bentleyville with securing the park during the evenings and overnight, please send us a direct message or email Tim at with your contact information.

Bentleyville said "Thank you to all who help make Bentleyville such a magical place every year, we will not let a few Grinches ruin the fun!"

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