Jeanne and Cooper’s Dark Chocolate Versus Milk Chocolate Debate: What You Had To Say
During this morning's show, Jeanne was flabbergasted by the fact that I like plain dark chocolate, saying it's too bitter for her taste. She followed that up by saying she was willing to bet there were very few people that actually preferred dark chocolate. We asked our Facebook fans what they thought, and here were the results:
As of the time of this post, milk chocolate had only a slight advantage over those who said they prefer dark chocolate. Of those who picked one or the other, milk chocolate only leads by a matter of a couple votes of the over 100 people that have responded. Others mentioned options like white chocolate, while several said they don't care either way, as long as it's chocolate. Here are all the answers from everyone who has responded so far. To see what everyone had to say, just click on the comments link in the Facebook post below. If you want to chime in, feel free to do so!
Jeanne & Cooper need your help to settle a little debate. Eating it plain, which do you prefer: dark chocolate or milk chocolate?
Posted by Mix 108 on Wednesday, March 25, 2015