City of Duluth is Hoping to Get Mobile Payment Service Approved to Make it Easier to Pay for Parking
According to a Press Release from the City of Duluth, paying for parking downtown will hopefully be easier than ever, If a proposal is approved for a Mobile Payment Service.
The Parking Services Division for the City of Duluth is seeking approval from the City Council to approve an agreement with Passport Parking Inc. to provide parking payment services via a Mobile App. In this day of modern technology more and more tasks are going to be at our fingertips through a smart phone.
The beauty of this App is it is free to download and will also send reminders when your time may be up at a meter and you can add time for parking. Of course you still have to follow parking regulations as usual, but many cities across the country are already using this system including The Twin Cities.
If approved the City hopes to have the Parking payment service in place by July to make parking in the downtown and Canal Park area much more accessible to residents and tourists alike. This can't happen fast enough in my opinion especially areas of downtown where you still have to plug the meters
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