Movie Theater Expected to Re-open In West Duluth This Week
The original Art Deco theater first opened it's doors way back in 1937, and was the premiere theater in the area until it closed in the 1970's. Now some 40 years later the theater has a new name and new life breathed into it. 'West Theater' on Grand Avenue is expected top open it's doors this Friday.
The 250 seat venue is a huge addition to the area and another option for all Twin Ports residents to go and enjoy a movie. Owner Bob Boone who also owns The Northland Reader told Fox 21 “Every day I come here, somebody walks up and says ‘my parents had their first date here’ or ‘my kids have never been able to go to a movie by themselves’ because they don’t trust the buses or whatever, and now they’re going to be able to say, ‘kids here’s five dollars. Go to the movie,'”
The theater will be hosting a Gala and movie night on Friday June 21 and mainstream movies are expected to start on July 2. For tickets and information regarding the Gala click here.