Pancake Day Is Back! Duluth Lions Club Annual Fundraiser Returns In May
After cancellations and postponements because of COVID, Pancake Day is coming back to the DECC.
Pancake Day is one of the biggest fundraisers for the Lions Club, and this year is the 63rd year. The Pancake Day 2022 is scheduled for May 5th from 6:00 am to 7:30 pm in Pioneer Hall. You can buy advanced tickets from some of the Lions Club Members.
Larry Winner (2022 Pancake Day Co-Chair) said in a press release that they are hoping to serve 10,000 people and raise over $100,000. If you want to save money buy your tickets early for $8.00 or just $10.00 at the door. The price includes all the pancakes that you can eat along with sausage, orange juice or milk, and coffee.
Children 4 and under accompanied by parents are free. Tickets can be purchased from any Duluth Lions Club member who should be wearing his or her “Ask me About May 5th” button.
One of my favorite things is buying extra sausages because they are the best sausages I have ever had. Pancakes and everything else is top-notch, but the sausages are the best, so I usually purchase many of them and take them home later.
Lions Club says this year they are offering gluten-free pancakes. Free Parking compliments of Waddell & Reed. So there is not excuse for not coming down and supporting. Plus, if you come in the morning you can take advantage of the alternate toppings booth.
Tickets are also available at:
- · Area Holiday Station Stores
- · Mainstream Fashions for Men, 206 West Superior Street
- · Snyder’s Super Stop, Holiday Center (2nd floor)
- · Mr. D’s Bar and Grill, 5622 Grand Avenue
- · Lighthouse Center for Vital Living, 4505 West Superior Street
- · Theobald Family Eye Care, 3308 West Arrowhead Road
- · Valentini's Restaurant – 4960 Miller Trunk Highway
- · Farmers Insurance /Joel Brekken Agency, 4202 East Superior Street
Written Diabetes Risk Assessments will be administered by the University of Minnesota Duluth College of Pharmacy Students. There will also be collection boxes for used eyeglasses, hearing aids, and hearing aid batteries, which is how the Lions Club gained notoriety.
It will be a fun day, as usual. If you need more info they have it posted at duluthlionsclub.org or on their Facebook page.
They are looking for volunteers to do all sorts of jobs, if you would like to help you can sign up using a special sign-up page.
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