Police Divert Traffic Off London Road Due to Incident at Intersection
Our news partners at WDIO are reporting that the Duluth Police Department has closed off a portion of London Road due to a reported incident involving a pedestrian being hit by a vehicle. The incident occurred at the intersection of 40th Avenue East and London Road, and officers are blocking this area off and diverting traffic to alternative routes. The Duluth News Tribune is reporting that the area blocked off is from 26th Avenue East to 40th Avenue East. It is unknown at this time how long the intersection and surrounding area will be closed off.
The report from WDIO states that police tape is being put up, multiple squad cars are on the scene, and a tent has been put up near the intersection. Police have not made any official statements on the incident at this time, however a witness at the scene told a reporter from WDIO that the incident involved a red SUV and a pedestrian.
WDIO is reporting a 62 year old woman was struck and killed by a 49 year old woman driving on London Road. The pedestrian that was hit by the SUV died at the scene of the incident. The Duluth Police are saying the driver is suspected to have been impaired, and underwent a blood test to confirm this. The driver is in the St. Louis County Jail on pending charges of vehicular homicide.
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