PostSecret App Coming Soon-See the Trailer Now
One of my all-time favorite websites is postsecret.com. Try it once, and you'll be hooked.
I don't know what it is about reading other people's secrets, but it's like therapy for me. It helps me realize that some of my secrets aren't as bad as I thought. It helps me feel like somewhere in the world someone else thinks the same things I do. New secrets are posted every Sunday, but it's my Monday morning ritual to go through the new secrets every week.
There are also a few books that founder/author Frank Warren has compiled from all the secrets that get mailed to his address in Germantown, Maryland every day.
I have yet to send my own secret in, but I will someday. I ask myself each week which one I'd be willing to part with, but haven't found that answer yet.
Anyway, there will be a new app coming soon to make submitting your secrets even easier. Check it out:
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