Some Jerk Untied The Vista Fleet Boats And Set Them Adrift Overnight
It's the latest story in my "some jerk" series, and this one is a doozy. Some jerk that actually knew what they were doing, set adrift two of the Vista Fleet's boats last night. The owner of the Vista got a call early this morning that his boats were afloat in the harbor. Luckily neither of the boats sustained any visible damage, but this could have been catastrophic adding up to millions in losses.
You may think it's just as easy as untying the ropes or lines that are attached to shore, but as the owner tells the Duluth News Tribune, it's not that easy. The ships are too heavy to move to untie from shore, so the jerk had to go on deck and untie it in several different areas. Also, the jerk needed to disconnect the power line which in itself is a complicated task.
The boats then were pushed out and left to drift in the harbor. The Coast Guard came to assist, and they were able to get someone aboard to pilot the ships back to their dock.
The Duluth Police Department is investigating, and there is surveillance footage of a suspect committing the crime. Hopefully they can catch the guy so this doesn't happen again.
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