A group of students from Superior High School who belong to DECA have started a campaign called "Don't Blow It"  to help educate fellow students about the dangers of vaping. The DECA  Program "prepares emerging leaders and entrepreneurs for careers in marketing, finance, hospitality and management in high schools and colleges around the globe."

According to WDIO students Jaylynn Glaus, Chloe Kitnap and their partner, Jackson, are the students behind this campaign. Chloe Kitnap said "In the beginning of the year, we saw this was a growing problem among everyone in the high school, (We thought) that was super-timely and something we could really target throughout our school."

The students started the project by doing surveys throughout the High School and Middle Schools and then gave a presentation to 7th grade students. From there the team went on to present the campaign at a State DECA Competition and now will be going to compete against other DECA students in Florida. To prepare for the competition in Florida the group plans on reaching out to elementary students and more.

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