Watch a Bald Eagle Land on Pitcher Before Twins Home Opener
The Minnesota Twins had their home opener yesterday and it wasn't the cold or the snow that got the most attention, it was this incident involving a bald eagle before the game.
The Seattle Mariners were in town to take on the Minnesota Twins at Target Field when during the pregame show an eagle that was there to fly across the field during the national anthem took a bit of a detour.
The eagle landed on Mariners pitcher James Paxton, who just happens to have the nickname “Big Maple”, and as you can see in the video below, the pitcher took the incident in stride.
Paxton told the Seattle Times, "It was not the first time I’ve seen a bald eagle, but it’s the first time I had one try to land on me. That was interesting. It was coming right for me. I’m like, ‘the guy is over there and I’m not eagle guy.’ But I guess this eagle just got confused.”
The Twins went on to win the game 4-2.