Winter 2017/2018 Old Farmer’s Almanac Weather Forecast for Duluth Area Released
The upcoming winter 2017/2018 season forecast for the Upper Midwest has been released by The Old Farmer's Almanac, and it looks snowy. The Old Farmer's Almanac is often thought of by many as a pretty accurate long-range forecasting outlet, with the publication boasting of a nearly 80% accuracy rating - though last year's projections weren't the most accurate.
So, what's in store for this winter according to The Old Farmer's Almanac? Simply put, plenty of snow and average temperatures. To start the season, November will be cooler and drier than normal and December will also remain cooler than normal with more snow than average expected. January looks to be significantly warmer than normal with below average snowfall and February will also be a little warmer than average with average snowfall. To wrap up the rest of the winter season, March looks to be warm with more precipitation than average.
The remainder of the 2018 forecast from The Old Farmer's Almanac generally looks pretty average for our area.
- Spring 2018: Wet and generally average temperatures. March and April look to have higher than normal precipitation while May looks dry. Temperature-wise, March looks to be warmer than normal while April and May look to be about average for temperatures.
- Summer 2018: Temperature-wise, things look pretty average. August looks to be a little warmer than normal, but the rest of summer appears to be pretty par for the course. Rain-wise, June looks dry, July appears to be average, and August looks to be a wetter than normal month.
- Fall 2018: September looks to be pretty average in terms of rain just slightly cooler than average, while October looks to be warm and dry.