Flooding, a hot summer, and some early snowfall a couple weeks ago west and north of Duluth have shown how temperamental weather in Northern Minnesota can be. While not completely bizarre, an early snow storm looks to continue the trend, prompting a winter storm watch for parts of Minnesota this week.

Earlier today, the National Weather Service issues the first winter storm watch of this season, impacting Northwestern and North Central Minnesota. The storm is expected to move through the region Thursday afternoon through Friday night, bringing with it the potential of up to 6 inches of snow for the area in the watch. Along with the prospect of snow, gusty winds will drop visibility and make travel difficult.

While the brunt of this storm will not impact the Twin Ports, we still may feel its effects. There is a chance of mixed precipitation and snow in the immediate Duluth-Superior area, and a greater chance of snow north of the Twin Ports. If you're traveling toward areas including International Falls, Bemidji, and Grand Forks should be aware of the storm, as that is where the worst will hit.

Follow the storm and get the latest weather information here.

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