A Day At The DMV In Duluth
With the threat of the Government shutdown possibly happening on tomorrow, I had to make a mad dash to the D.M.V. since coincidentally my drivers license expires on Friday as well.
( For those of you in the same boat, even with a possible shutdown their office will remain open! ) So, I stroll in and grab my number......27, and they are on #96. It is going to be a long day. I settle down into my chair, pop out my phone and play a rousing game of Angry Birds Seasons. As much as I try to concentrate on my game I can't help but here the conversations around me, let me just say my life is not so bad compared to some other people's situations....I will leave it at that. What was refreshing to see was the Minnesota Nice that I saw throughout my visit. One person had to leave, and offered his lower number to a complete stranger, then a woman came in with 2 small children who patiently sat in the chair together while their mom filled out paperwork. When she was done a very nice gentleman offered her his seat next to her kids, as he stood. In the end the wait actually turned out to be not that long, and now I have my license for another 4 years with my picture that will probably haunt me every time I open my wallet. :)