David Portnoy from Barstool Sports Reviews Sammy’s Pizza
If you follow Barstool Sports on social media, you are surely familiar with David Portnoy and his very honest pizza reviews. Usually, Portnoy visits the locations and eats fresh pizza, but during the shutdown, he's reviewing frozen pizza from around the country.
Yesterday it was Sammy's Pizzas turn at a Barstool Frozen Pizza Review, so what did Portnoy think of the locally famous pizza?
Basically, meh is what he thought. He said, after taking the first bite, "I can jive with this...it's not that good, but it's not bad...very middle of the road."
After a few more bites of the frozen cheese pizza, he goes on to say, "come home late throw in a pizza, fine, it'll get the job done...good solid pizza" He rated the pizza a 5.3 on a scale of 0 - 10.
He does give a little history of Sammy's Pizza and give the founder, Sam Perrella, high praise for his service in World War II and bringing pizza to the "Iron Range, or iron something in Minnesota."
Sammy's opened its first location in October of 1954 and today there are 15 locations in Minnesota, Wisconsin, and North Dakota.
** Don't watch this video with little ears around, as Portnoy likes to use colorful language**
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