Duluth Home Depot Offering Free Kids Workshop Projects for Pick Up
Pre-COVID Home Depot offered monthly Kids Workshops, giving kids the opportunity to build some fun projects, that all stopped earlier this year, but the Duluth location has some for pick-up.
After getting a tip from a friend, I stopped by the Duluth Home Depot customer service desk and asked for their Kids Workshop projects, they asked how many kids I had, and they bagged up six kits, three different projects for each of my little ones. And they were FREE!
Each kit comes with everything you need to make a little wooden toy crane, recycle truck, and a cute little locker. You may need to provide some basic tools and of course any paint you might want to finish the project with, but everything else is included.
My kids love these Home Depot projects, they've been to the store a few times and made some great stuff, so they are really looking forward to putting together these projects, especially my young son Harrison who is VERY into trucks, and construction equipment, so the crane and recycling truck are right up his ally.
I'm sure they have a limited supply, so if you want to pick up some projects for your kids, be sure to swing by and visit the Duluth Home Depot ASAP! Have fun, send me photos of your finished projects, I'd love to see them.