According to CBS3 on Wednesday night police responded to reports of a suicidal male and another person shot on the 2200 block of E. 2nd Street. But, according to Ingrid Hornibrook, Duluth’s public information officer “They showed up in full force and by talking to the resident, they quickly realized that it was not a legitimate call," This is an example of "Swatting."

"Swatting" is when a call is made reporting a very serious crime which in turn brings out a large police presence. Hornibrook said “They drain on our resources, and more importantly, it takes us away from legitimate police calls where people actually need help." Although thankfully not common in Duluth, this is a problem all over the United States.

The Duluth Police Department issued a statement warning about this illegal activity: “Don’t make the swatting call. It’s illegal and dangerous. But if you suspect you’re a victim of swatting, don’t do anything that would precipitate an escalated police response." For the Duluth SWAT Team to respond it would cost anywhere between $1,200-$1,600 for a four hour call. Anyone caught "swatting" could be charged with a Gross Misdemeanor. It would seem to be common sense to never make a false call to 911 to begin with, but then to take it to this level is madness.


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