For any parent when their daughter first gets her period it can be a confusing time, especially for the father. But one man did his best and posted on social media about it.
School is back in session and for some kids it is an opportunity to try and pull a fast one on their teachers and parents, but modern technology has a way of ruining those plans.
Many of you have probably seen the picture above, which has gone viral on the web of 2 fathers of the bride. One being led by the other to walk their biological daughter and step daughter down the aisle.
While the Ice Bucket Challenge has put the spotlight on the horrors of ALS in recent weeks, it's important to remember there are other diseases that also need to be fought.
Target, daughter in the back seat jumping around and making faces into her phone. Yes she is rapidly taking selfies while Dad is trying to drive. Mission: Videotape her so she can see how silly she looks while doing this.
Parenting is a hard job, and so once in a while Mom or Dad just have to let loose and have a little fun, but the the thing is you have to know your audience (children). In this case it is a little 3 year old girl who is as cute as can be.
As parents you always walk that fine line of trying to keep your kids in line, but you also want to do things together that are fun too, this dad and daughter nailed it.