With more people working from home and kids doing distance learning many people are scrambling for their own space. One Minnesota company is here to help.
Maybe there's just something in the air on Monday's, but every Monday there always seems to be some prank pulled on me. I will say, the pranks are getting more clever though.
I am someone who needs to drastically cut down on how much pop I drink in a day, and I have even bought 12 packs on occasion to store in the break room, but a fridge by my desk? Even I would have to say no.
We all have an open door policy at the radio station with each others offices, so it is a constant flow of people, and today I noticed just how observant my co-workers are.
When you're working in close quarters with the same people for long periods of time, the air can get a bit hostile now and then. While there's no way everyone in an office can get along perfectly, there are a few employees who find it hard to tolerate offensive actions, like eating other peoples' lunches or stuffing toilet paper in between the stalls so no one sees them on the toilet. It happens.
The Polar Vortex has created havoc all over the country with plunging temperatures not seen in twenty years. Dead car batteries, heaters giving out, and broken pipes abound including a flow of sewage from a ceiling.
Can you imagine, trudging to get to work with temperatures hovering around -20 degrees, you get settled in at your desk and all of a sudden brown water starts pouring from the ceiling.
Have you ever heard of the term Office Spouse? In a recent survey 65% of people said that they have an Office Husband or Wife.
A work spouse is your closest ally at work, someone with whom you share frustrations, brainstorming sessions, inside jokes, maybe even your lunch...