‘Hail’ Showed Up On Radar Tuesday Morning Over Lake Superior – Turns Out It Was Birds
The Duluth office of the National Weather Service noticed something weird on their radar Tuesday morning. The radar was showing what looked like hail on what was actually a pretty quiet and clear morning.
In the image above, you can see an area circled in red extending between Duluth and Two Harbors, indicating what is seen on radar when hail is present. As the pointed out in a message on social media, they were curious about what was going on. After a little investigation, they determined it was actually a flock of gulls (insert bad joke about the 80s band of the same name here).
They went on to discuss that while it looked like a lot of activity, it wasn't quite as many birds as you might think.
A meteorologist with The Weather Channel chimed in as well, analyzing the radar images and further confirming the gull darn theory.
This phenomenon isn't totally unheard of. While it isn't during these times, mornings and evenings tend to show some interesting things on radar as the atmosphere changes between the coolness of overnight temperatures and the warmth of daytime temperatures. Flocks of birds "walking up for the day" and hitting the sky can be visible, swarms of bugs, or even wind turbines under the right conditions.
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