Minnesota Man Robs Dairy Queen, Steals Cheese Curds & Ice Cream
A man from southern Minnesota is in trouble after he burglarized....a Dairy Queen store. Yes, really.
There has been some weird crime stories in the headlines but this one definitely sticks out. I understand wanting some food from the fast food joint but this is just taking it too far, even when cheese curds are involved.
By the way, this isn't the only time Dairy Queen has made headlines over the years. I went to the shop in Hermantown a few years back and laughed when I noticed a sign they had while waiting in the drive-thru.
If you haven't seen said sign just yet, you should definitely check it out because it will give you a good laugh. Plus, it is a good excuse to go get some french, fries. Right? Either way, it is safe to say some strange things go down at Dairy Queen, for better or for worse. Ha!

The "worse" in this case is a strange situation that happened at a Dairy Queen store in Stewartville, Minnesota. In case you're curious, that spot is located just south of Rochester. From Duluth, it is about a four hour drive.
So what exactly happened that has put this tiny town on the map? According to WCCO out of Minneapolis, a burglar broke into the local Dairy Queen there and took tools - and lots of food.
The burglar must have been hungry. The report says that the burglar stole a ton of food, including frozen burgers, cheese curds and ice cream Dilly bars. He was only busted when he went back to his house in the area and put the stolen treats in the freezer.
The burglar's sister is the one that turned him in and has a connection to the store. She worked at the Dairy Queen location that was burglarized at the time and called the police when she realized what had happened. WCCO reports she was the one that turned him in to police, realizing it was him that was responsible for the incident.
The crime happened in late June of 2019 but didn't make headlines until July, as it was announced charges would be brought against the burglar. The burglar's name, by the way, is Jaden Lorentzen.
WCCO's report says that the building was unlocked due to construction and that is why Lorentzen had been able to get in without trouble or commotion. The value of items stolen is about $300 dollars.
At the time of the incident, Lorentzen was charged with one count of third-degree burglary and one count of misdemeanor theft. He was set to appear in court in August of 2019 and could have received up to five years in jail or a 10k fine.
Update as of 2/8/2022: I wanted to know what became of this strange burglary and spent quite a bit of time online trying to find a follow-up on Lorentzen. However, it is not known just what came of the charges, as there is no information available on the charges at this time. A quick search of his name shows other recent charges but nothing about the burglary.
In the few years since the story was first reported, there have been other strange crimes such as this but none that stick out in my memory like this one. For example, at the start of 2022, a Wisconsin woman was busted drunk driving twice in one day. Sigh.
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