Go Inside Nopeming Sanatorium in Duluth with a Photo Gallery Tour
Nopeming Sanatorium has long held a place in the curiosity of many in the Duluth area. The building, which was built in 1912 as a tuberculosis care center, has succumb to age, Mother Nature, and vandals sneaking onto the property.
To get you amped up for Halloween, we got an exclusive tour inside one of the creepiest places in Duluth. As the person behind the camera for these photos, I can tell you it was definitely eerie being inside the building. While it was 45 degrees outside and the windows were open (or in many cases broken out), it felt like it was 30 degrees inside. We didn't see or hear anything out of the ordinary, but the visuals alone are plenty to make the hair on the back of your neck stand up
If you want to see it for yourself, you're in luck! Limited tours are also being offered by the ownership of the complex. You can learn more here. Below is an interview with one of the individuals involved with the nonprofit organization that owns the facility. Learn more about the tours, and what the future plans for the facility are.
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