Open Letter To Duluth: What Happened To The Innocence Of Our City?
The events that have taken place in the last four weeks in a city I call home is devastating. There has been six shooting incidents in the last four weeks and I just can't believe it.
First off, I'd like to say my condolences to the victim's friends and family who passed away yesterday in the latest Duluth shooting. You are in my thoughts and prayers.
How am I supposed to feel safe in a town I have called my home for the last 25 years? How am I supposed to feel about my kids playing at a community park not knowing when the next shooting is going to happen?
I understand shootings do take place, but I never thought there would be six incidents in the last four weeks in my city. I don't know what caused these shootings, all I know is they need to stop. What is happening to the Duluth I used to know?
I remember growing up and being able to go anywhere without my parents worrying about what would happen. Now, I'm not sure if I want to even go for a walk around the neighborhood with my daughters.
I don't know how can we stop these horrible incidents from happening, but somehow we need to bring our community closer together. Let me know in the comments below how we can turn these tragic events around.